New Year Special: Bar-B-Q Secret recipe for you.

Making Bar-B-Q in roof top or open terrace is becoming a trend in Dhaka city. Every now and then when we find at least two consecutive holidays many of us decide to make Bar-B-Q. Like you guys, I also love to make Bar-B-Q by myself. I was searching for some kind of recipe in the internet and was eventually puzzled by seeing so many techniques. Each was distinctively different from others and they use so many different kinds of herbs. Most of them are not even available in Dhaka city.

After my research, I found one recipe, which I thought, was quite easy, and was looking delicious. I found almost every herb they recommended in our nearby superstores. I am sharing the complete recipe with you guys today with a video so that you can make it whenever and wherever you want. By the way I got this recipe from, you can go and find more delicious recipe there.

I am quoting some important lines from the chef:

“Many of us burn the BAR-B-Q chicken. Actually, the chicken is not burnt; it’s probably the juicy and delicious inside. It is the Bar-B-Q sauce on the skin that incinerated.

Pouring barbecue sauce on an already cooked piece of chicken, while much safer, just isn’t the same. That's chicken with barbecue sauce on it, not barbecued chicken. When it comes to barbecued chicken, everyone wants that nice thick glaze of sauce attached to the skin, and the only way to do it, is brush it on as it cooks.

In addition to seeing how not to burn chicken, you'll also see a slash and marinade pre-grill prep that adds to this recipe's overall deliciousness. This will work with any prepared barbecue sauce, but is especially good with San Francisco-style barbecue sauce.”

So here is the recipe:


2 chicken halves (Chicken with skin)
1/4 cup rice vinegar (You can use white vinegar)
2 tbsp San Francisco-style barbecue sauce, plus more for brushing
2 cloves crushed garlic

For the rub:

1 tbsp salt
1 tsp black pepper
2 tsp paprika
1 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp cayenne
If you do not find onion powder, use crushed onion instead, works as good. Cayenne is hard to find in Dhaka city. You can skip it if you want.

You will find the procedure in the video below:
